Changing A Table Name In Mysql

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Rename database tables in phpMyAdmin - Bluehost RENAME TABLE tbl_name TO new_tbl_name changes internally generated foreign key constraint names and user-defined foreign key constraint names that to rename table in MYSQL | MySQL by Marcelo Altmann Nov 6, 2016 - group is a keyword (part of GROUP BY) in MySQL, you need to surround it with backticks to show MySQL that you want it interpreted as a table name: RENAME | ALTER (RENAME) - GeeksforGeeks MySQL provides us with a very useful statement that changes the name of one or more tables. To change one or more tables, we use the RENAME TABLE to rename database tables in phpMyAdmin « Running The Alter Command. Click the SQL tab at the top. In the text box enter the following command: ALTER TABLE exampletable RENAME TO new_table_name; Replace exampletable with the name of your table. Replace new_table_name with the new name for your table. Click the go button.

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Changing A Table Name In Mysql

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